Monday 7 January 2013

Revitol Eye Cream


Revitol Eye Cream

Works   wonders  for  your   eyes………

You can go to the link, here:


This site, and the following sites are advertisements for products/services - that I hope you find interesting enough to buy.
Sales, of course, usually pay commissions.......
The information for each site is taken from that site.

Or, you can read some of the information, and facts:

Revitol Eye was created by on of America's premier anti aging skin care companies. They have succeeded at creating a powerful intensive eye cream that effectively combats not one but THREE of the most aggravating beauty problems...under eye dark circles, puffiness and wrinkles.

Revitol's moisturizing emollients and natural ingredients help counter moisture loss and other characteristics of under-eye circles. Our soft, non-greasy formula absorbs quickly and leaves your skin feeling smooth and supple.

Despite what most people think, deep, dark circles and bags under your eyes are not primarily caused by being tired or stressed. Instead, dermatologists and plastic surgeons agree that this is caused by capillaries that leak blood close the skin's surface. When this blood begins to oxidize, it turns a bluish red color, similar to an ugly bruise. And since the skin under the eyes is very thin, this leads to the appearance of the embarrassing bags and dark circles. The more transparent your skin and the more blood that pools under it, the darker the circles appear. And what's worse, this discoloration over time can become permanent!

I can't tell you how often I'm told that I look tired because of the dark circles under my eyes. I guess some people don't realize how embarrassing this is...I have been plagued with dark circles and puffiness since my early 20s! But finally I don't have to worry about them anymore since I found Revitol Eye Treatment

"I have a lighter complexion and had basically 'given up' that my dark circles were something I had to live with. I have tried other, far more expensive products with disappointing results. The results are amazing! The fact that Revitol Eye effectively deals with 3 problems at once is like getting a bonus!"

As a Medical Doctor with dark circles under my eyes since childhood, I was doubtful that your product would actually work. However, after only one monthy of usage I am certain that it has helped to reduce bags and lighten and tone the area under my eyes. It's a remarkable product.".
Revitol ingredients have been clinically tested to add more moisture to the skin... and to keep it there for longer. Maintain healthy and hydrated skin with the only moisturizer you’ll ever need. Regular use of Revitol will leave the skin healthier, plumper and firmer.

Ingredients include:
  • ·         A water-soluble Vitamin B complex that helps retain skin moisture.
  • ·         An ingredient derived from Chamomile that soothes and calms irritated skin; reduces the appearance of puffiness.
  • ·         A flavonoid that helps reduce the appearance of excess skin pigmentation caused by breakdown of hemoglobin.
  • ·         Also reduces the appearance of a pigmentation factor and thus dark circles.

Reduces the appearance of a pigmentation factor and thus dark circles.

Revitol's moisturizing emollients and natural ingredients help counter moisture loss and other characteristics of under-eye circles. Our soft, non-greasy formula absorbs quickly and leaves your  skin healthier, plumper and firmer.

Revitol ingredients have been clinically tested to add more moisture to the skin... and to keep it there for longer. Maintain healthy and hydrated skin with the only moisturizer you’ll ever need. Regular use of Revitol will leave the skin healthier, plumper and firmer.

Revitol is not affiliated in any way with Time, Vogue, Natural Health Magazine, More Magazine, Good Health Magazine, CNN, ABC, NBC and MSN. Time, Vogue, Natural Health Magazine, More Magazine, Good Health Magazine, CNN, ABC, NBC and MSN are registered trademarks of their respective owners.



GO TO:                  

& tell your friends……………………………………….

OR, if you would prefer to buy through Amazon - go here:

(while you are at Amazon - look around - type anything into the search box - they have tons of cool stuff!!)

And, here is a link about all sorts of information - worth a look.........

You probably read this on some sort of computing device:
Such things need maintenance.  There is a totally inappropriate sexist joke, in some quarters, about a little old 'person'' who wondered why the car would not go. When asked about when maintenance was last done - "What is that?"    .......yes......              .............................................

Personal experience:
Yes, I lost my most precious photos. Because I did not have them copied, or backed up.
I now have them, (what I have left!!), copied, and backed up - I used:

Please back-up your precious documents - don't loose them, like I did.
And, please tell a friend - may save their .........
(The way it happened, wasn't even someone hacking! Some computer "tech" was eliminating some old files from my computer - to help it run faster....... Bingo!!..... Photos gone!!!)

Concerning hacking.....
Did you know that there are now more than 220,000 new attempts to interfere with computers, created every day. Most are destroyed pretty quickly. BUT>>>>>>>>>    NOT all of them..........
Made me rethink my computer protection.
It is now, not a question of "ïf" they will take out my computer, it is a question of "when".........

So, I now use, and I recommend for you:



and, this one is good:
        UniBLUE speed up my computer:         ttp://

Some old sage said something about being prepared, & vigilant.........yes.......

A comment on making choices:

As you know, sales may generate commissions......

here is that info link again:

You may have noticed that I have not asked you for your email......
I do not send pesty repeat emails to try & get you to buy........
(I personally find them annoying - and I don't do it to you.........)

In return, may I ask a favor??
If you would care to reconsider the information above, and purchase something - it would make us both happy!!    


And, thank-you for telling your friends.........

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